Sunday 5 April 2009

A New Blog for You to Explore

As you may know, I am at present going all out to get volume 2 finished (and working out like crazy in the gym)...despite the best demonic efforts of various gremlins (people from the future, I reckon, sent to thwart me...spanking thought police, I shouldn't wonder!). For this reason the blog has been a bit neglected of late, but it will all be back to normal after Easter - which I'll be spending in Windsor (staying nearly opposite the castle) so keep your eyes open...I'm always up for a pint or two (and the rest!!).
Nevertheless, I am still keeping my eyes open for interesting stuff whenever a bit of research is necessary and recently I have come across a new blog which I think you might find of interest (if only for the pics / links as it is in Hungarian). It is called Spanking Hungary. and it can be found by checking out my blog list in the right-hand sidebar or by clicking the picture above (which I unashamedly pinched from there - very much to my taste, featuring as it does a dominant nurse and a well-spanked female arse!...what more could one want out of life?). By the way, it takes a little while to load (if you are using Windows Vista at least) so have a little patience. By,by for now...I'll produce a proper post around mid week all being well.

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