Friday 23 January 2009

Volume 2: Full Title Decided Upon

Today I have to admit to having spent an inordinate amount of time composing the full title that will be used for INSTITUTIONALISED Volume 2 - first sitting in Costas Coffee up on Muswell Hill (near Highgate and Hampstead) with my trusty notebook and then later at home experimenting with the Lulu publication wizard to ascertain the maximum number of characters it will allow to make up a title.

Other then sending a couple of emails I achieved little more but at least I have now decided on the full title. The extended sub title, in the style of the Victorians to some extent, probably looks a little ridiculous to the modern eye but won't actually appear on the final cover design - although it will appear on the title page inside. The only real point of it is to catch the eye of those search engines - such as the main search window on Amazon - that only (or primarily) use the book title. The idea is to make the thing more visible as even I find some difficulty finding INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1, on Amazon for example, using the main search window and the obvious sets of key words - and I know what I am looking for. Volume 1 is not very visible,except via Lulu, and has never had may hits - I am hoping that volume 2 will do better in that way and in its turn make volume 1 more visible. So, for better or for worse, here it is - a somewhat blatant attempt to use key words for internet marketing. If you can think of anything better - something that succinctly sums up the atmosphere I am trying to convey in my stuff while containing all (or as many as humanly possible) of the usual suspects in terms of keywords/search terms, then please feel free to write in...all suggestions gratefully received!

INSTITUTIONALISED 2: Spanked, Caned & Confined in the WorkHouse:

Being an Account of the Imposition of Strict Uniforms, the Cane, Tawse, Strap & Psychological Punishment on Sensitive & Vulnerable Young Ladies in a Long-term Residential Clinical Study.

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