Sunday 18 January 2009

Useful YahooGroups - More Being Added (Watch Sidebar This Evening)

I am currently updating the useful Yahoogroups section of the sidebar. I have just added Women Inmates Caned - a prison / institutional punishment group - and will be adding much more this evening. Hope to see yawa'll later.

Early evening: I have just added 8 new links to YahooGroups for you to explore to the list in the sidebar. In all cases these are groups I frequent or have frequented in the past and that I have taken inspiration from. I have many links that I won't be bothering sharing with you; I am only going to list those groups that I believe to be relevant or if interest to my readership. One or two of these may well be inactive in that they have had no fresh input for a few years - but if I have listed them it is because they nevertheless hold an archive of inspiring pics and writings that you can still mine. Incidentally; It is usually best to check out both the photo' and file sections. In terms of my working through my YahooGroup list, I am only up to the letter 'C' and so there are plenty more to come...and all worth the hassle of joining to view - keep an eye on that sidebar.

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