Tuesday 2 December 2008

A Nice Yahoo Group to Try and Some More of Hardcastle's Work Added to His Album

Having lost most of the weekend bogged down with attempting to book a Christmas holiday (it was going to be five nights in Rome now looks like being more like three nights in Windsor, albeit white opposite the castle) today has been completely dedicated to filling in the gaps in volume 2. I'm currently working on a series of flashbacks that illustrate something of Lavinia's life with the woman that she calls her aunt prior to her semi-voluntarily incarceration in the experimental research unit. It had been quite hard work because I have quite a lot of time to make up on, what with my recent computer problems etc, but it has not been without compensation in the form of some interesting discoveries made on the Internet while researching one or two details - the most fruitful, strangely enough, coming to light while researching some aspects of dress design and fabric handling (don't ask). Anyway, as a result of all this I come across a really quite excellent YahooGroup:

The Academy for Difficult Girls (just click to access and join) or click on link in the resource list in the sidebar. The best part is actually the files section of which I can particularly recommend the stories in Adventures at the Academy (I) and (I I) but is worth perusing all of the folders for stories: subjects covered include enforced diaper use, enforced age regression, orgasm denial (lots) supervised potty training for young adults and even what I would describe as de-education (i.e. young women learning to forget how to read and write for example). And, of course there are lots and lots humiliation ideas and possibilities - there was a lot to explore, and I've probably spent far too long this evening doing exactly that, I don't think I have ever spent so long on one group.

On another tack, I've just this minute added a whole bunch of Hardcastle illustrations, that I came across this afternoon on one of the Yahoo groups I was perusing, to the Hardcastle scans and downloads section of Spanking ArtWork Albums (see sidebar) - the most interesting of which to my mind is the story from Janus about the 22 year-old woman forced back to school and to take the role of a 17-year-old (see top left, click to enlarge - the rest is in the spanking artwork album for Hardcastle). While I was at it I just couldn't resist posting up another example of the great man's work; the deportment training he illustrates here always gets me going and one can easily imagine some suitable adaptation of it taking place as part of the regime imposed on one of the three small groups that constitute the institution's residential experimental psychology section - the Schoolroom Group regime would seem to be the most accommodating for this sort of training, I would think. One that I've added has had a particularly interesting caption added to it. (Click here) very much up my tree.

As for the photo I posted in my last entry; I had intended to begin to relate the real life story of a girl that my wife of the time and I had staying with us in the mid to late 1980s and the pic was to have been an attempt to illustrate something approximating to an early incarnation of what my came to call the girl's house uniform (sometimes, home uniform). I'm a bit too hard pressed to do it justice at the moment (although I have alluded to the relationship once or twice previously) and so when I get around to it I'll remove the pic and reuse it as and when (it's a 1960s Sainsbury's uniform by the way). As for the immediate future; I'll be tackling the stutter / stammer induction theme soon - I can think of little that would undermine a young woman's self esteem more thoroughly...so, so demoralising. Of course, having never been tried in an adult (and never likely to be in peer reviewed, ethics committee-monitored mainstream research) it is experimentally irresistible and a project perfectly suited to the more discreet (not to mention secure) environs of the institutions research unit. I have some nice ideas (one of which I am surreptitiously testing with my partner) but more are always welcome - how would you go about it?

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