Sunday 7 September 2008

Some Feedback from Inspired by a Strict Governess: Janus (mid-1980s)

The writer of an anonymous comment posted in response to the article, Inspired by a Strict Governess: Janus (mid-1980s), has helpfully pointed out that the issue concerned was, in fact, Janus #25. I am always most grateful for such information as some time ago I sold on much of my Janus collection and although I scanned many of my favourite segments and pictures I wasn’t so organised as to have labelled them with sensible file names indicating where each originated.

'Anonymous' goes on to say that “some of my favourite photos from that story have not been included here”. I tend to post those images and writing segments that have most inspired the ideas and plot arcs that form the foundation of my writing but I’m always happy to oblige any requests if I can and while I can’t promise that I have scanned the full story in this case (I am not at my desk at the moment and don’t have access to all my files – normal service resumes tomorrow) I will post any other pictures that I did not include at a later date. If ‘anonymous’ would write in and describe his / her faves from that story it would be most helpful – even if I can’t find them the feedback would be invaluable in identifying the kind of thing that most appeals to my readership, allowing me to more closely tailor the future direction of this blog and perhaps influencing the story development as the INSTITUTIONALISED series develops.

It’s a sort of ‘hands-up-who-wants-to-see…’ kind of a thing ('you can't always get what you want - but if you try sometimes'...).

1 comment:

  1. I had to read this twice earlier today to be sure you were referring to me. How surprising!
    The photos I was mentioning were the ones in which the Governess got the models derriere gloriously bared both for the camera, and a few last strokes of the crop. Catching that adorable girls reaction to one or two of those strokes didn't hurt (I'm a bit more of a straight CP enthusiest), but I feel the need to say something here.
    After years of worry that I was "mental" because of my different interests, it was quite a surprise and revelation when I discovered first Blushes and later Janus and the other publications. That was the first revelation. Another was in reading through some of the letters sections of these magazines and realizing how at variance with my tastes the preferrences of some of the other readers were. As much as I liked your suggestion of running those other photos later (and make no mistake, I was delighted), My first comment was not meant to be critical, merely pedantic. This is your blog, after all. Seeing those pictures, I was indulging in reverie over a collection of 200 (or so)issues I used to have of Blushes, Uniform Girls, Suppliment, Roue', Janus, Fessee', Februs, Phoenix etc, - all of which I now miss greatly.
    I do have a question though, if I may. Do you know anyone who could tell me what ever became of the whole "House of Blushes"?
    - MickeyC
